
Overview of the execution workflow.


An executor is the entity generated by the execution of a node and it carries out the node's task. The executor is initialized with a function, which must be performed and can return something.

The Executor returns a result to a list of nodes, which are the next to trigger. It writes the result in the scope with HASH(SORTED(node_from_hash+node_to_hash)). Eventually it can share the result in a larger scope by adding mode node hashes.


A synchronous executor performs task in a sequential and blocking manner. This means that the adjacent nodes are not triggered until the execution of the task is completed.


Asynchronous executors operates in a non-blocking and concurrent manner. When an executor is asynchronous, it doesn't wait for the completion of a task before moving on to the next one or triggering adjacent tasks.


Walkers are created in the Start Nodes of the graph and they run trough the graph triggering the activation of the nodes that they encounter in their path. Each node has a run function that is called from the Executor.

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